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4.2 Conduit

The conduit will work like any other Palm conduit. During a HotSync it will scan you device for text bases. New text bases will be added to the list of bases and then bases and files will be synced.

New bases will be automatically added to the list. Its file will be set in the default download directory and, if the name of the base has no extension, a .txt extension will be appended to it. Its default sync action will be set to the general default sync action.

If neither the base has changed, or the text file then nothing will be done.

If the text file changed but the text base remains the same, the file will be uploaded to you device.

If the text base changed by the text file did not, the base will be downloaded from you device.

If both changed then a merge will be attempted and, at the end of the operation, both the text file and the text base will be the same. Read section 3 to understand how merging works and what will happen with your text if conflicts are found.

Figure 4: HotSync's menu.
Image conduit_menu

As with any Palm conduit you can change its main settings from within HotSync. Click on the Custom item from its menu, figure 4 and then double click on TextSync.

You will see a dialog similar to figure 5. You can change the main sync action for the conduit there.

Remember that only text bases set to DEFAULT will follow this behavior. Its useful to keep most of the bases to DEFAULT. In that way you can change the conduit's general behavior from a single location.

Figure 5: TextSync conduit options.
Image conduit_opt

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Lucas Wall 2004-03-30