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7 Character Translation Table

The conduit has basic support for character translation. The translation table must be placed in a text file called ''translate.txt'' inside the ''TextSync'' directory of your HotSync user. Thats the same directory where the configuration and the backups are kept.

The format of the text file is very simple. Each line must contain three characters. The first one and the second one are used for palm to PC translation. The second one and the third one are used for the PC to palm translation. Characters can be represented as decimal numbers (plain numbers not starting with zero), hex numbers (staring with 0x), octal numbers (starting with zero) or regular characters (surrounding the character with simple quotes).

The following is a sample translation file. You can find it in the conduit installation directory.

# sample character translation table

# blank lines will be ignored
# chars can be in the format: 0x6B (hex), 107 (dec), 0153 (oct), 'k' (char)
# don't start decimal numbers with a zero!
# syntax: <from_palm> <to_pc> <to_palm>
# translations will use:
#         from_palm -> to_pc ( when text is transfered to pc )
#         to_pc -> to_palm ( when text is transfered to palm )

# This will translate some chars in my native language (spanish) to one
# of the encodings that windows uses. I don't really need translation
# if I open the text with notepad, but some programs need it.

0xE1 0xA0 0xE1
0xE9 0x82 0xE9
0xED 0xA1 0xED
0XF3 0XA2 0XF3
0XF1 0XA4 0XF1
0XA1 0XAD 0XA1
0XC1 0XB5 0XC1
0XC9 0X90 0XC9
0XD3 0XE0 0XD3
0XD1 0XA5 0XD1
0xFC 0x81 0xFC
0xDC 0x9A 0xDC

Lucas Wall 2004-03-30